The Treasures of Karlongton - The very first review
Hey honey buns and sweet pies ! How about traveling tonight? I mean, not those laymen way of traveling, like planes or cars or whatever. I mean a REAL trip, to another world.
How about Karlongton ?
A world where three children are taught life and its meaning. Where they learn about the quintessence of the humane way of functioning : good, evil, love and freewill. To cut a long story short, it was like reading a manifest on a new way of conceiving ‘Godly’ matters and creation. Don’t go giving me that look. It’s nothing out of anyone’s reach. If I understood it, everybody can.
The good thing about The Treasures of Karlongton is that with a little amount of effort, a parallel can be drawn with our actual societies. It’s like a deep analysis of how egoistic decisions of some leaders bring the downfall of a whole community which was fine to begin with. Now, don’t panic, it’s nothing as boring as actual political news. Let’s call it a romanced image of how things are functioning. A romanced image involving fire, gold, cute introspective and highly precocious children, greedy ancestors. AND we finally have an accessible discourse of the guy whom we offhandedly call the Devil. I mean, come on! This guy has been dragged in the dirt since the beginning of our era. It is the first time that he is given a chance to express himself and defend his cause. It is nothing about satanism or rub-it-in-your-face provocation. All this stays very objective face to Man.If I go on, I will be relating the whole story, so I’d rather stop here.
Oh, one more thing. Why is the book so breathtakingly interesting and makes you feel that you could give way your whole couture wardrobe just to be able to finish it ? It is just because the writer is not an old moustached bald and overweight and overwhelmingly rich and notorious. He’s hot, young and writes with his tormented soul, so he knows what and how to tell us about the themes he touches.
Hail Adil.
For discussions, more precisions or information, to tell the author why you loved his book and what you loved about it, click here :
And for those of you who STILL have not ordered it, you can repair your mistake and under the grace of the Lord again by doing so here :
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